Download our Free “Step by Step Guide to Farm Security”

Download our Free “Step by Step Guide to Farm Security”

With every year that passes the amount of theft and vandalism that occurs on UK farms seems to get worse and worse. In order to help farmers protect their farms and farm equipment we have put together a “Step by Step Guide to Farm security”. Alongside our handy checklists we hope that we can give you a structured approach to securing your farm.

With over 11 years of helping farmers all over the UK add security, we have included the experience we have gained personally as well as that we have gained by interfacing with farmers who have had thefts and the police who have responded to those crimes.

We provide a Step by Step process to protect yourself from farm crime

Our guide follows a structured process to help you understand the threats and then start to put defenses in place. The checklist then provides a handy method to work through the suggestions and apply the protective measures that are appropriate to YOUR circumstances.

The guide coves the following steps:

Step 1 – Understanding Farm Crime – in which we consider the types of criminal and the common items they target.

Step 2 – Connecting to the local community – connecting with other far

mers and local resources to utilise their knowledge to better secure your farm

Step 3 – Look for ways YOU are making it – farmers working practices often make it easy for the criminals in this section we look at simple changes to how we work that may be required.

Step 4 – Do the paperwork – get insurance in place and have evidence required to make a claim in the event that criminals target your farm.

Step 5 – Learn the key principles of crime prevention – understanding all basic methods that security on your farm can be enhanced helps you come up with multiple strategies to protect your farm.

Step 6 – Survey your property and make a plan – now you know the methods its time to have a proper look around your farm and come up with a plan.

Step 7 – Take action – use our Farm Security Checklist to put your plan in place.


Get the Guide and our Farm Security Checklist Now

Farmers Eye Guide

If you have any questions or know of anything that should be added to the guide please get in touch ( Contact us )